Brescia | Student Life Centre Blog

What is Spiritual Wellness?


Spiritual wellness is a personal process of understanding your beliefs, values, and ethnics. We all have different definitions of what spiritualism is, however; generally our definitions of it involve the search for meaning and purpose, leading us to find inner balance.

In the wellness quiz posted last week, it had 3 statements you had to rate pertaining to spiritual wellness: “I feel an overall sense of peace and well-being in my life,” “I am aware of my own values and beliefs, and respect the values and beliefs of others,” and “I believe my life is meaningful and has direction,” (if you haven’t already, take the time to take the quiz now to see how balanced you are in the spiritual section of wellness). If you are looking for something more specific, try the Spiritual Wellness Assessment here:

This section of the wellness wheel is very important and very personal. For some people, spirituality could mean a connection with nature, while others it is a religious faith and being part of an organized religion. The path to spiritual well-being is unique to everyone, and can also involve things like meditation, prayer (or other specific practices), yoga, affirmations, thinking positively, travelling, journaling, etc.

According to the Western University website, ways to enhance your spiritual wellness include:

* Understand your beliefs, why you have them, and why you value them

* Take time for quiet reflection, prayer, or meditation

* Participate in community service

* Engage in activities that connect your mind and body (e.g., Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.)

* Practice spiritual traditions

* Read inspirational books

* Explore what spirituality means to you and learn how you can be more spiritually aware

* Pay attention to your feelings, emotions, and thoughts

* Continue to seek purpose in your life

* Understanding your own values, ethics and beliefs and respecting the values, ethics and beliefs of other people

* Developing and using strategies to manage stress and anxiety (e.g. through mindfulness, etc.)

* Being able to spend quiet time for yourself

* Having a clear sense of right and wrong, and acting accordingly

* Being able to practice open-mindedness and compassion in life

Here at Brescia, one resource available for spiritual wellness is the Campus Ministry, which welcomes students of all faiths and provides spiritual opportunities such as faith exploration, pastoral counselling, and spiritual direction guidance. If you are interested in any of these spiritual opportunities you can contact the Director of Campus Ministry, Catherinanne George, to make an appointment ( or click on this link for more information: Western also has resources, which you can find here: