Brescia | Student Life Centre Blog

Where has your education taken you?

Ask yourself, where has your education taken you??

Mine has taken me to places I had never even imagined. Places I never even thought I could reach. When I finished highschool, I had no intention, no dreams of attending university….I did not think I was that girl smart enough to attend university, so I decided to try college first. Here I was, trying to decide “what I want to be when I grow up” (that dreaded question that I still get asked and really have no clue of the clear answer), trying to decide what program I wanted to enroll in for my diploma. I decided on Human Resources Management, very unsure of where this would take me.

But look at me now, I have a college diploma under my belt and I am in my final semester of my undergraduate degree here at Brescia. Throughout my 6 years of post secondary education it was not a easy path for me. There were bumps along the way I had to overcome. During my time at Brescia I switched my degree 3 times until I found the one. This scared me at the time, but now I look back and realize it was no big deal.

Do not feel like you are “stuck” in anything. Do not feel like you have to stay in a program just because. Think about where your education has taken you, think about what makes you happy and make any necessary switches if that’s what it takes.


Understand that education is a lifelong journey. Never close the doors to opportunities because you never know. I always keep the option of graduate school in my mind, because I never know where life and my education will take me.

If you are struggling with that question you get often “what are you going to do with your degree?” The Brescia website has a great tool called Degree to Career. This tool allows you to select your degree and lets you explore the skills you have gained during this degree. This can be useful when building your resume for future job opportunities!

The Student Life Centre at Brescia is also a great tool during your education to help you with your career support. Visit the website to learn more about the programs they provide!

Tell yourself you are great, thank yourself for pursuing post secondary education, embrace every minute of your journey through education (even when a million things are on the go and stress is high) and allow yourself to succeed!! 🙂

~ Kaitlin ~



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